How to travel with your wedding dress

How to travel with your wedding dress

How to travel with your wedding dress. Mobile Image

Feb 28, 2017

So you're having a destination wedding! Congrats! I bet you can't wait to be having the best day ever surrounded by the most important and loving people! do you get your stunning dress to your stunning destination? don't worry we have this covered! We have a few options here to keep your mind at ease. FIRST!

how to pack your dress

Image result for wedding dress box Image result for wedding dress bag If you plan on shipping your dress, you need to make sure that its packed properly to avoid any issues on your big day. Fold your dress into the box in the shape of a "Z" to avoid harsh wrinkles, or use a large enough box that you only need to fold it once at the bottom of the bodice. Layer the dress with acid free tissue in between each layer with the bodice on top and more tissue paper on the top of that. If you plan on bringing you dress on a plane or by car then we suggest a garment bag, usually you would receive one when you pick up your dress from the store.  

Dont forget!

And finally, this rose gold and crystal comb can accent your curls or updo in a feminine and sophisticate way.:  This hair comb is a charming piece to frame your hairdo and attach the flyaway veil.: Bring all your accessories and tid bits to go with your outfit with you on your carry on, yes your carry on. These include things like your veil (if you have one), shoes, jewelry etc.  

Shipping your dress

Image result for wedding dress box As we mentioned earlier, if you wish to ship your dress (Or box it for carry on instead of a garment bag) you can take advantage of all-in-one kits like this one from The Association of Wedding Gown Specialists. You of course can ship it yourself using Fedex or UPS, but be sure to get insurance ( for as much as you can) and double check with the services that they deliver to your destination and what days and times, you wouldn't want them to deliver it on the wrong day or not ship to that location! Make sure to have your box labelled "Wedding Dress", yes people who work in mail rooms are human and will take care if they know whats inside.  

Taking it on your flight

Image result for wedding dress on plane Image result for wedding dress plane Ok so you don't want to ship it, that's totally fine! You can actually bring your dress with you on your flight ( no you don't have to buy another ticket and put it in a seat, or wear it), this is a good idea of you want to make sure nothing happens to it or just want to keep it close to you. You have a few options here, we don't recommend checking in your dress, because well....we have all seen our luggage after a long flight and they look like they have been a part of fight club. so what are you options when flying? Well you can box it up and bring it as carry on and put it in the over head compartments. You can also bring it in a garment bag on your flight, yes you can do that! Call ahead and make sure you can do so with your airline (most of them are totally fine with it) and ask how you go about doing so, some airlines are a little different, but most of them you just ask a flight attendant to hang it up in the onboard closet ( yes they have those for flight attendant personal items) when you get to the gate and they are more than happy to oblige, but we do suggest calling ahead to make sure :)  

Drive it

Image result for wedding car Ok so you arn't going to Hawaii for your wedding, but it is a little bit away from where its located now :/ The safest way for you to get your dress to your destination is to literally drive it. Im not joking here people! If you plan on driving to your destination then why not bring the dress with you buy car? If you have the ability I suggest putting down the back seats and laying your dress down, so the dress gets minimal creasing on the trip over. If not we suggest hanging the dress from the back hook on the bar above the door and laying the rest of the dress across the back seats. both of these scenarios we advise putting the dress into a garment bag to protect the dress from the sun, dirt or any potential damage.   I hope this helps and gives you ladies some ideas on how to bring your dress with you when you ave a destination wedding! We got you girl! Also CONGRATS! Come and say haaayy to our lovely girls at Samila Boutique and make your appointment today! (425) 558 5714